The Difference IN Your SIGHT!

The Difference IN Your SIGHT!

Hagar, when in her desperate plight from the House of Promise, found herself at the end of the proverbial rope. She's a desperate mother seeking shelter and salvation for her son, Abram's firstborn. Ishmael represents Abram's efforts to engineer an answer to a God-promise, to provide logic to a God-pledged miracle.

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Authentic Christianity!

Authentic Christianity!

In the Shakespearean masterpiece Hamlet, Polonius said, "This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." This is the last piece of advice that Shakespeare's character Polonius gives to his son Laertes regarding living a proper life. There is great wisdom in Polonius' warnings. His measured pronouncements and wise counsel warn against the disadvantage of living a life of intemperate pursuits; constantly chasing the lust-craze of self-satisfaction - living far too busy pursuing self-interest.

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