Hagar, when in her desperate plight from the House of Promise, found herself at the end of the proverbial rope. She's a desperate mother seeking shelter and salvation for her son, Abram's firstborn. Ishmael represents Abram's efforts to engineer an answer to a God-promise, to provide logic to a God-pledged miracle.
Read MoreThe Most Difficult Journey!
/The most difficult journey you will ever take is the one that is accepted without the purchase of an airfare, sea fare, or toll.
Read MoreThe Blood Still Matters!→
/The burgeoning Beast is making his last play for the souls of men; his time short, he knows he's about to meet his damnable end! The enemy is banking on a sleeping church and a world wise only to its immoral lusts. But there is a sound a stirring, much like our father's before. In crowded upper-rooms, basements, stadiums, and large and small spaces...there is a generation crying like the Greeks of old, "We would see Jesus!"
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